WordPress can be such a pain in the @$$ sometimes! Because of security issues I had to update certain plugins on the website. Doing so, screwed up the theme that was currently used on the site. However as the theme was rather old, I could not find a proper updated theme which made me using a lot of band-aid’s to fix all crap that was going on. At some point I ended up using so much tape, that it become completely uncontrollable.
So, in the end decided to throw it away and use another theme. As I still had an old key for this perfect and up to date theme; Kallyas. I decided to take that route. Man, what a work. Before you no it, countless (nightly) hours are flying by. BUT…. we are there. It all looks kind of OK now. I still have some blanks to fill, but decided to push the site live with some placeholder pages. It is taking all to long. I will fill up the gaps as we go.
Interesting thing happened during the offline period, but more on that in other blog post to come.
As always, I am open for feedback. Let me know what you think, both positive as negative. In the case you see something not right, by all means shout out to me. It might be already on the ToDo list but in the case it isn’t. Good to know.
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