F@ck that shit! Rewind and back to the fun stuff

F@ck that shit! Rewind and back to the fun stuff

Fuck that shit! I go back to doing fun stuff on this Blog / Website. The last few years, more and more I “rolled back” into the “Hacking Gadgets” type of stuff. So although I stepped away from it a while ago, I basically never left. The whole starting over this website as a more personal type of blog failed big time. So, in short; F@ck that shit, I’m back!.

Will this mean I will not post in Dutch anymore? No of course not. Whenever I feel the need to post something on my personal life, especially about lifestyle (Oh yeah, still still enoying my life to the fullest) or Self / Personal Development. Still very much like cookiing on my BBQ, and yes still need to finished that freaking Hot Tub / Wellness type of garden, but… Oh well, we will see how that progresses over time in the future.

Not going to delete crap and start from scratch. Just flipped the website back to English again. No clue where to go exactly from here and how to get there. I will just let the website grow again by adding content as we go, while I work on fun stuff where I will share my ideas, my how-to’s and other information.

Long story short: Let the fun begin.


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