Holiday – It came, It saw, BAM it’s gone

Holiday – It came, It saw, BAM it’s gone

The last few weeks were busy. Very busy! However I am more than happy how the new website turned out. Still a lot of things to do, but I will keep going in the next weeks. I will get there. Because of all the website mumbu jumbu that was going on, I was not able to do what I wanted to do in regards to the Personal A.I. Assistant project. And then my vacation came….

Three weeks quality time with the family and just like ever other vacation; Time flies when you are having fun and before you know it you are already back at your desk.

So fully charged again, ready for some action. I have not been able to do much on the project, but catching up on some related readings this has happened during my absence;

  • Mycroft’s World Tour – The CEO of Mycroft is doing a tour through europe. At first The Netherlands where not on the list, but through Facebook events I saw that Joshua Montgomery has added Amsterdam to the list. He is visiting our Capital the 29th and 30th of August. I will try to go, even if it is just to shake hands or grab a coffee. However, it is rather short day planning-wise, so hope I can get it sorted to go to Amsterdam.
  • Mimic 2 is LIVE – The default male voice of Mycroft (Alan Pope) was rather robotic. Samples of the new voices sounded very promisable. Now the new voice is out. It sounds a lot better, however they are not there yet. But they know this as well and I am confident that in the future it will get better and better. For me now at least it sounds good enough to ditch the Google TTS and use Mimic 2 instead. Yet another privacy related topic checked.
  • 18.08b is around the corner – The 18.02 received it’s last tag. With 18.02.13 this is the end of that development cycle. The biggest change being the Python3 update. For the upcoming development on the Personal A.I. Assistant I will use this tag for the future as stable release. I will update the earlier articles to reflect this change as well.

In the next blog post I will post my ideas in a sort of a roadmap for the upcoming articles related to the Personal A.I. Assistant project. Will write down some of my ideas that popped up during my vacation watching over the beach.


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